Transfer Certificate

MP Board Recog No. 84550

DISE Code : 308105

SI No.  119

Admission no. 156

Registration No. of the candidate
(In case Class IX to XII)
Name of the Pupil : ASHISH PARMAR
Father's/Guardian's Name : RAM CHARAN SINGH PARMAR
Nationality : Indian
Whether the candidate belongs to schedule caste or schedule tribe : General
Date of first admission in the school with Class : 29/08/2020 ( IV )
Date of birth according to admission register (in figures) : 25/10/2009
In Words : Twenty Fifth October Two Thousand Nine
Class in which the pupil last studied (in figures) : 6th
In Words :
School/Board's Annual Examination last taken with Result : PASSED
Whether failed,if so once/twice in the same class : NO
Subject Studied : English, HINDI, MATHS, EVS
Whether qualified for promotion to the higher Class : Yes
If so, to which class (in figures) : Seventh VII
Month upto which (pupil has paid) the School Dues/paid : March 2022
Any fee concession availed of, if so, the nature of such concession : No
Total number of working days : 0
Total number of working days pupil present : 0
Whether NCC cadet / Boy Scout / Girl Guide (Detail may be Given) : No
Games played or extra- curricular activities in which the pupil usually took part
(mention achievement level therein) :
General conduct : GOOD
Date of application for transfer certificate : 06/04/2022
Date of issue for transfer certificate : 06/04/2022
Reasons of leaving the school : Request of the Parents
Whether school is under Govt./Minority/Independent Category :
SSSMID No. : Aadhar No. :
Any other remarks :
Signature of Class Teacher   Checked by